He is once again an impulsive hothead, and also has a normal pet turtle named Spike.
Maybe thug number one was named Lefty or Spike.
He is telling me that you would remember him by something or someone named Spike.
The couple has taken the first steps in that direction by adopting a Malti-Poo named Spike and moving in together.
In his honor, the mascot was changed to the current Palisade Bulldogs, and is now named Spike.
A new dog arrives, named Spike, who is very aggressive towards the other dogs.
A number of cartoon dogs have been named Spike:
He is named Spike from then on and is not changed again.
This fit in well with Alicar's fears of being doomed now they had a new black member on the team, named Spike.
The house's mascot is a dragon named Spike.