Their sister, Rachel, lives with her parents and is having an erotic but largely sexless love affair with a woman named Sid.
Roddy's life, as they say, is changed forever when an uncouth rat named Sid (Shane Richie) pops up through the plumbing.
Toward the end of the run, a baby brother to Arnold, named Sid, was born.
As a child Mandy's favorite cuddly had been a stuffed bear named Sid.
"A pair of men--one named Sid and the other Dixon..." Rafe began.
Not according to the contract, one of the contestants named Sid, said that they win a Magic Sceptre.
The protagonist is then trapped inside of a warehouse and murdered by a deranged killer named Sid.
The storm reached gale force six hours after developing and was named Sid by the Tropical Cyclone Warning Center in Darwin.
Tracks 7 through 12 comprise the suite "A Guy Named Sid".
In the summer of 2009 Nicholson played a character named Sid in the Canadian movie Kenneyville, which was released by Robanzo Pictures.