He loses consciousness and drifts along with the current until he is saved by an Indian girl named Samantha.
Eventually, Brooke is motivated to become a good mother herself, which prompts her to take in a teenage foster child named Samantha.
She grew up in New York with her parents and an older sister named Samantha (born circa 1966).
Among them were the gorillas named John, Snickers and Samantha, all residents of the zoo since 1967.
The couple has a son, Ryan and a daughter named Samantha.
While he was in Vegas, he got drunk and married a stripper named Samantha.
He soon meets a woman named Samantha, whom he falls in love with and proposes to.
One of them was a difficult 13-year-old named Samantha.
"I have a German shepherd named Samantha," she told the group.
Now he sees this ghost named Samantha, who wants a body.