Julie's mother is named Rachel and a stepfather named Ron; Ranger got her pregnant one night when he was in the military and on leave.
She is accompanied throughout by two young and handsome models named Don and Ron, who bicker constantly about which one she prefers.
It begins with the death in a car accident of a high-school student named Ron (Joey Sciacca).
In the novel, Claire's husband is named Ron; in the movie he is renamed Mark.
His parents are named Ron and Donna, and he has an older sister named Jessica.
The commander, a lieutenant colonel named Ron who insisted that his last name be withheld, predicted that shooting would erupt, and it did.
For a time Astrid finds happiness with an impossibly perfect Hollywood couple named Ron and Claire Richards.
A balding 36-year-old named Ron, who said he works in technology in Manhattan, stood against a wall with his wife, surveying the scene.
He has a younger half-brother named Ron.
In "Confirmed Dead", 815 is found by a man not present in the game named Ron; Thomas is not mentioned.