A high-school friend named Roger gave him his nickname based on his "funky" approach to life.
These people didn't understand the lad named Roger.
In the film, an old man named Roger is based on this character.
She named him Roger after the milkman, but can't pronounce his name properly.
Toward the end of this year Em bore her second son, whom they named Roger.
Stern was the elder of two children, her younger brother is named Roger.
As you read, the woman he married could bear no more than one child-the son he named Roger.
Cholmeley willed specific items of value to his younger brother, also named Roger.
The judge left an heir named Roger, who, being an infant, became a ward of the crown.
And there is no camper here this year named Roger.
A high-school friend named Roger gave him his nickname based on his "funky" approach to life.
These people didn't understand the lad named Roger.
In the film, an old man named Roger is based on this character.
She named him Roger after the milkman, but can't pronounce his name properly.
Toward the end of this year Em bore her second son, whom they named Roger.
Stern was the elder of two children, her younger brother is named Roger.
As you read, the woman he married could bear no more than one child-the son he named Roger.
Cholmeley willed specific items of value to his younger brother, also named Roger.
The judge left an heir named Roger, who, being an infant, became a ward of the crown.
And there is no camper here this year named Roger.