There he meets a street urchin named Regina, the only person left in the city.
In Rome she was since the most ancient times named Lucina, Mater and Regina.
Nicolette gets a new roommate named Regina, who has eyes for Eddie, but Nicolette remains determined continue pursuing him.
As the couple set about trying to adopt a young girl named Regina, Hatch continues to be tormented by visions, in some cases even seeing through the monstrous killer's eyes.
His marriage to a Christian woman named Regina had fractured his relationship with his mother and other relatives.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police named the A.B. Perry building at the Depot, Regina in his honour.
In season four of the TV series Lost, a minor character named Regina is shown reading The Survivors of the Chancellor.
Mason approaches, and begins to recite a poem to Price, "there once was a girl named Regina... you don't even know where it was going!
These include both a man and woman who loved Cesar, and a journalist, named Regina, who seeks to investigate his life and his teachings.
"Violence threatens the very fabric of our city," Mr. Dinkins said, then read from a letter he said had been sent to him by a sixth grader named Regina.