A Mexican boy named Raoul helps him get a job as a lifeguard and singer at a local hotel.
Father Mauro, a priest who looks after a small parish, takes in a young man named Raoul and discovers that he is an incubus.
He has said since then that he had been framed "as a patsy" by a shadowy figure named Raoul.
I'm thinking in particular of the wonderful server I had named Raoul.
Teresa fell in love with a young man named Raoul, but he eloped with her sister shortly before the wedding.
So did jailhouse interviews in which he said he took orders from a shadowy figure named Raoul, or Raul, who has never been identified.
A young street punk named Raoul appeared in a couple of episodes involving Tracks.
The intel she passed to us was stolen from the Dragon Court's field operative, a man named Raoul.
Except for occasional references to a shadowy figure named Raoul, he never volunteered the names of his alleged confederates.
By this time, Athos has a son named Raoul.