The skipper was a man named Pedro.
Also, Angela gives birth to a son whom they name Pedro.
She was married to actor Marcello Novaes, who has a son named Pedro, born in 1996.
The story is so simple, we are told at the outset, that the main characters are named Juan, Pedro and Maria.
One of the players cheats and is shot dead by another of the players, a Mexican named Pedro.
The played character also features a different hat and is named "Pedro" rather than Panama Joe.
A man named Pedro, who identified himself as the head of hotel security but refused to give his last name, adamantly denied this account.
As they throw the makeshift roach toy out the window, the roach, named Pedro, complains about being abandoned.
Pedrinho is a Portuguese nickname for people named Pedro.
While on the road, Phillip observes his mother collecting and discarding many men, until she settles down, at least temporarily, with one named Pedro.