As an amalgamation of two schools, Queens' has two sites named North and South, linked by an underpass.
The network router connected the microprocessor to other microprocessors using four ports named North, South, East and West.
"They think they were railroaded," one major general said, "like a guy named North."
And there was a god named North somewhere, for a man-hunter named Hansen to find and to deal with.
The other 3 buildings are named East, West and North, based on the general direction each one faces.
The northern part of the island is named after the mountain, with two districts named North and South Kohala.
The sanctuary is named after Chhapar village which is located at 27 -50' North and 74 -25' East.
It comprised three territories, named North, South and Ruhr.
Edgewater and Boone were originally to be named North and South High Schools, respectively.
The college was built in 1957, consisting of two four-story structures named "North" and "South."