Great Elms Prince Charming II, a Pomeranian named best in show at Westminster, and Nero, the top police dog in the city, trained to sniff out narcotics and bombs.
The United States Mint did in fact own a real watchdog named Nero, who was originally purchased in 1793 for $3 and accompanied the night watchman on his rounds.
Together, they must fight a Romulan named Nero, who is from the future.
Instead, a new character named Nero, voiced and motion captured by Johnny Yong Bosch, took the lead.
Did you ever know an emperor named Nero?
The vice principal of the school, a tedious man named Nero, forced his students to listen to him play the violin for hours, and they realized this administrator must have had a powerful influence on Carmelita's creativity.
A new character named Nero is the new hero.
They named the lake Nero (meaning "silty", "marshland") or Kaovo ("place where gulls live").
Star Trek: Eric Bana's character is named Nero; one of the songs on the soundtrack is named "Nero Fiddles, Narada Burns"
Beatty was once mauled by a lion named Nero.