The big corporal named Ned, who had fallen down drunk the day we arrived, happened to be standing nearby, trying to comb some burrs out of his horse's tail.
As part of his ploy, he claims to have a two-year-old son named Ned.
He's a bear named Ned.
The board member named Ned, whom he'd talked to by phone, was apparently Theodore Ramsey, now seated two chairs away.
He creates a narrator named Ned, who has spent his career as a "foot soldier" in British intelligence.
IN John Cheever's short story "The Swimmer," a man named Ned hits upon the idea of swimming home.
One's named Ned for my oldest boy.
Ran away, a negro man named Ned.
Dar's spotter was a twenty-two-year-old black fellow corporal from Alabama named Ned.
They were eating dinner and complimenting the cook (someone named Ned) and his helper (Sandy) on the turkey, the pecan stuffing, and other dishes.