Melanie has a granddaughter named Nadia.
The series follows a young inventor named Jean and a former circus performer named Nadia, who wishes to return to her home in Africa.
On the way they meet a mysterious Moldavian lady named Nadia, who has an agenda of her own.
They were made by a 5-year-old autistic child named Nadia, who had seen only pictures of horses standing still.
It was later revealed that she had a human girlfriend named Nadia who was being kept in stasis after contracting a Fae virus.
After falling in love with a young woman named Nadia, the protagonist must rescue her when she is kidnapped while continuing to seek a cure for his lycanthropy.
They have a daughter named Nadia, born in 2002.
But instead, quite by accident, he conquers the heart of a beauty named Nadia (Milla Jovovich).
The novel opens with a writer named Nadia telling her story to someone she addresses as "Your honor," whose identity we will learn when we ought to.