Chong has been married twice and has one son named Morgan.
Why was she kidnapped by a man named Morgan?
Linden was all owned by a family of farmers named Morgan.
You see, back in 1969, a seventeen-year-old girl was seduced and raped by a vampire named Morgan.
Vladimir quickly becomes an important figure to these students, and begins dating a young girl from Cleveland named Morgan.
Their only child, a son named Morgan, was born January 16, 1848, and died in 1851, at age three.
She is to work with a man named Morgan, a convict serving time for the theft of $40 million that was never recovered.
In 1994 he was joined by an assistant named Morgan who has become a long-term performing partner.
She has a young son named Morgan and is married to the Wizard Howl.
The orca, now named Morgan, was administered medical assistance and provided with food.