There was an earlier strip named Marvin, which was created by Pat Moran and syndicated in 1973.
Lucy came racing down the stairs, wearing a pink fairy costume and clutching her favorite toy, a stuffed dog she had named Marvin.
But it was also loosely inspired by memories of aging, relatives in Florida named Bessie, Marvin and Ruth.
"Falsettos" was a fusion of earlier musicals about a charming but self-absorbed man named Marvin who leaves his wife for another man.
It tells the stories of a young horse named Marvin who is part of a carnival.
"He said he had a son named Marvin, and he wanted you to deliver his ashes in the urn to the boy."
He has two kids; a son who is also named Marvin and a Daughter named Paola.
A small fragment of the meteor was left over and taken by a mute vagrant named Marvin (Bill Cosby).
McClane finds a janitor named Marvin.
He asked Ed if he would mind coming downtown to see some of the workshops he'd started with dancers and to meet this composer named Marvin.