Name That Pitcher When Pedro Martinez started for the San Diego Padres last Tuesday, he became the season's fourth starting pitcher in the major leagues named Martinez.
On a recent day, Ms. Bonilla and her daughters - both of whom are named Martinez for their father - were tidying up their small apartment in Hunts Point.
And Nicholas Turturro, John's kid brother, is engaging as a young and eager policeman named Martinez.
Veterans named Martinez, Morris and Murray, a troika who were synonymous with championships won from Baltimore to Detroit to Minnesota to Toronto.
Hargrove named Martinez, Charles Nagy and Ken Hill to follow Hershiser, who goes into Game 1 with a 7-0 record and a 1.47 earned run average in post-season play.
He had been threatened with his life if he tried to interfere and a man named Martinez, who had tried to stop it, had been tied to a tree and shot.
Over an hour after her disappearance, the car of the kidnapper was involved in a car accident with a person named Martinez but the kidnapper drove away.
The first agent in the line, a young Latin-American named Martinez, immediately dived head-first into the cube.
And none was darker than a Spaniard named Martinez.
He remembered a historical reference he had seen in a letter to the Medici Pope penned by a man named Martinez, who was a fanatical supporter of the Spanish Inquisition, particularly where it applied to the Basques.