He named himself Lord of the Mists.
It happened that a slave girl belonging to Heke, Kotiro by name, was living at Kororareka with a butcher named Lord.
It would present some invigorating challenges to the director-e.g., the casting of one of the main characters, a Ganymedian slime mold named Lord Running Clam.
"But you must be; the gnomes have named you High Lord . . . Here, let me see your face in the light."
"A list of those suitable to be named Lord of Misrule, if there are men you would like to see so honored," George replied promptly.
He brooked no freedom nor any rivalry, and he named himself Lord of the Earth.
That would have brought new Mexica invasions which would have laid waste the country-Motecuzoma was not named Wrathful Lord without reason-except for two things.
In 1632 Ahmad Koujak was named Lord of Damascus.
A skeleton found on the dig was named 'Lord Edgware'.