Bond lands on a nearby yacht owned by a woman named Linda, who on the phone states she is looking for a "real man".
The girl, who was big-boned and strong, was named Linda.
But upon entering the home, officers found the 38-year-old woman, also named Linda, dead in an upstairs hallway, covered with a blanket.
This was his second marriage, as he previously eloped with a lady simply named "Linda".
A woman named Linda has an extramarital affair which is only a part of a plot to kill her.
The couple's only child, a daughter named Linda, was born the following year.
Todd was discovered in 1968 preaching and married to a woman named Linda.
Sophy had taken Amaryllis and a young companion named Linda into town.
Aaron called someone named Linda on his intercom and made the request.
He is married to a sports physiotherapist named Linda, and has two children.