During his legislative career, Runner has been named Legislator of the Year by:
Her primary legislative interest is health care, and she has been named Legislator of the Year by the California Medical Association.
The Alliance for Good Government named him Legislator of the Year in 1973, 1983, and 1985.
He was reelected to a full term in 1992, and was named Legislator of the Year by a number of taxpayer organizations.
He was named "Outstanding Legislator" by the Lake Charles Jaycees.
Following the legislative session, Gardner was named "Legislator of the Year" by Alliance, a group serving people with developmental disabilities.
He was named "Legislator of the Year" by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
He is considered a statewide leader in the fight to prevent child abuse and neglect, and was named Legislator of the Year five times.
He was the fourth person ever named Outstanding Legislator by the American Political Science Association.
Slone was named Legislator of the Year by the Illinois Environmental Council.