He has one younger brother, named Keith.
His son, also named Keith, would play Test cricket for Australia.
Aileen had an older brother named Keith, who was born in March 1955.
During his adult life, Robert is now happily married with 2 children named Keith and Wilfred.
This is a story about a kid named Keith who lives in London and his parents who own a fish and chip shop.
A trucker named Keith who was delivering coal to Newcastle.
In the story, a boy named Keith and his parents have moved to Australia, but his parents are still not happy.
What else did the lady expect when she married a man from Dartford with a best friend named Keith?
The third and fourth engines to be bought were 0-4-2 tender engines named Strathisla and Keith.
Storms were named Gilbert, Isaac, Joan, and Keith for the first time in 1988.