A peasant girl named Karen is adopted by a rich old lady after her mother's death, and grows up vain and spoiled.
One of Neal's neighbors, a young woman named Karen who lived down the block, told an interviewer that she'd known Neal well.
They also find a live girl named Karen who they bring back to their bunker.
Many of them are 25 to 30 pounds, and one, named Karen, is a whopping 700 pounds.
Plankton is married to a super computer named Karen.
He has a girlfriend named Karen, who is a dental assistant.
Plankton also has a computer wife named Karen.
Paul talks to a woman named Karen, who was completely physically disabled 21 years earlier in a skiing accident.
She played the part of a young girl named Karen who could sense when others were going to die shortly before their deaths.
The protagonist, Jack, walks through the desert thinking about his love, named Karen.