I think of my two part-time lovers (both of them named Jeffrey) who seem totally irrelevant to my life, but still I can remember everything.
Would it be as crowded as it is if every woman in New York had two lovers named Jeffrey?
Linda has a friend named Jeffrey.
She ended with a line I think of often, a line as much for her dead son, also named Jeffrey, as for me.
Lenny works as a truck driver at the Shotz brewery, and prizes a stuffed iguana named Jeffrey.
Right now she was probably realizing that as far as she knew, Shlomo had no son named Jeffrey, and neither did Harry.
There's also an orange playful cat named Jeffrey who likes to hang around in the garden and cause trouble for the Petals.
Then the people behind the tender, brothers named Jeffrey and Hubert Leach, borrowed $10 million against the value of the stock they had not paid for.
The goons' leader, however, makes an appearance with his own hostages - Philippine Eagles named Pete and Jeffrey.
A 14-year-old named Jeffrey said he had lived on the streets for three years since coming from Swaziland to look for a school.