Players control a crying naked child named Isaac or one of six other unlockable characters.
Richard had a son named Isaac, who died in infancy in 1853 and was one of the early burials in the cemetery.
Possibly the author of the orthodox poems was not named Isaac at all.
No wonder that Abraham cannot bring himself to name Isaac, or even refer to him as his son.
Her second child, a baby boy named Isaac, was born on 10 March 2008 weighing 7 lb 12oz, at a London hospital.
In a further nod to Asimov, the robot is named Isaac.
With him is a precocious young boy named Isaac who has the ability to banish and destroy Friends that breach their own contracts.
His mother was named Rebecca and his father named Isaac.
Sarah later bore a son with Abraham, named Isaac.
A son would be named Isaac, Samuel, or John.