Had Alice been discovered before the end of the calendar year, it would have been named Irene, the next name on the 1954 list.
When we got our cat from a foster home, she was named Irene.
Wife may be named Irene (Iris rejected after short consideration), and he may never see her again in life.
She found herself quietly but implacably pursued by a bright-faced young woman named Irene, whom she deduced must be assigned to her case.
Gunnar has a girlfriend named Irene that he wants to marry.
The site was named Irene, and was built over the grave of an earlier chief.
Basil took a mistress also named Irene, by whom he fathered four illegitimate children.
My grandparents' maid was named Irene.
The list was signed by someone named Irene and dated last July.
He and his wife Carolyn, have three girls named Vivienne, Suzanne, and Irene.