Within two years, a monk named Herman was the only survivor of that party.
In a serial published in 2004, he and his wife Megan had a baby shark whom they named Herman.
He also appeared with his familiar companion, a snake named Herman.
But the real saboteurs are named Herman and John.
The film is about a red-haired girl who befriends a dragon named Herman.
The Rainbow Push Program named Herman as Educator of the Year in 2009.
A man named Herman, who presumably contributed these observations (which are presented by two unseen narrators), learned to make fires when he worked at a mental institution.
An imitator, named Herman, worked the side shows for a long time with a similar act, and was fairly successful, although his expansion was only about sixteen inches.
As consolation, Hubert volunteered that our 74-year-old companion, a retired bricklayer from Cologne named Herman, had the fitness level of a very young man.
None of the members was really named Herman.