He was married to a fine young woman named Hannah, the daughter of a German immigrant.
He married, possibly, a woman named Hannah by 1633.
It showed the events before the zombie outbreak from the perspective of a woman named Hannah, who appeared in the first episode.
He was known to own two slaves, a woman named Hannah and her daughter Billah.
There's a girl at work named Hannah, and I have a tendency to turn whenever somebody speaks to her.
The two, now in their senior year of high school, befriend an extremely shy girl named Hannah, who is staying with Nina.
He also has two more children by Laura, named Isobel and Hannah.
Every schoolgirl under 11 named Hannah in the town placed a flower on the grave.
On October 31, 2005, Cheney named Hannah as his assistant for national security affairs.
It is the story of a young woman named Hannah, who learns that she was almost aborted as a baby in the womb.