Justin is responsible for naming Gus, Brian and Lindsay's biological son.
Let us suppose that a particularly black-tempered black panther is sitting on the stairs and that a man named Gus is sitting in the living room.
Eventually he comes across a mechanic named Gus whom he develops a friendship with.
The plot revolves around a Hebrew detective named Gus and his partner Harry who are hired by a woman to investigate a possible case of adultery.
The cattery started with one female named Gus.
Not in a car, not on the bus, not in a taxi with a driver named Gus.
However, one lonely gray cloud named Gus has the task of creating animals that are cute but not so cuddly.
It belongs to an English boy named Gus and we're trying to locate it.
Try a kid named Gus.
Feeling that the Pigman has given them a chance to make things right once and for all, they befriend the senior, named Gus.