His uniform is uncovered due to an unlocked door and a curious student named Gary.
When he knocked, a slave named Gary answered the door.
She is 4 years old, has a cat named Gary and knows to brush her teeth in the morning.
At one point, he singles out a man named Gary who used to work as a hospital orderly.
Another character, a twenty something, single male named Gary, lived in the upstairs apartment.
Her mother's latest ongoing relationship is to a man named Gary, who also has a sexual interest in Lori.
In this same contest, he also noted that his mom has since married a man named Gary that he does not like.
Also, one of them seems to be named Gary, and they're 42 and 38 years old respectively.
Then a guy named Gary called, from the auto parts store.
A seventh brother named Gary is said by his brothers to have been the best hockey player of all seven boys.