It tells the story of Wallace, an artist/war hero/short order cook who saves a suicidal woman named Esther.
The mission also saw the ship's first on-board delivery, of a 4-pound, 5-ounce premature baby named Esther.
Her mother, also named Esther, was the daughter of John Stone, an Irish commissioner.
He had a brief and passionate affair with a Spanish blonde named Esther, which was his first love.
The nurse on duty was named Esther.
She was named after Edwards' mother and grandmother, also named "Esther."
There's a girl in there named Esther, a slim pretty little redhead.
His life changes drastically when he saves a suicidal woman named Esther from drowning.
On his way home, he rescues a suicidal black woman named Esther after she jumped into the sea.
He also had two sisters, one named Esther (one boy and one girl died in infancy).