Uncle Teddy, still in prison, receives numerous letters from a woman named Ellie, who is proud of the action he took upon Connor's killer.
Later on in the book, Michael also meets a girl named Ellie who is beautiful and mysterious.
She thinks he has been having an affair with a woman named Ellie.
He has an older sister named Ellie (born 1965).
Originally named Ellie, Angie decided to rename her Lucille.
It tells the story of a young woman named Ellie who is left in charge of the residential home run by her older sister, during Christmas period.
Jesse named the baby Ellie.
One day, Carl befriends a tomboy named Ellie, who is also a Muntz fan.
Teddy marries a woman named Ellie in order to become eligible for conjugal visits.
On March 30, 2011, Angie gaves birth to a daughter named Ellie.