Ram and his equally impoverished friend Font meet and befriend a Jewish communist from a wealthy family named Edna.
Booth also established a rural post office out of his home on July 25, 1882, also originally named Edna, but ultimately named Booth.
Pacing energetically, sipping his bourbon, he said, "A green-eyed woman named Edna.... He's right about that.
He has a strong attachment to a young woman named Edna, and works as a helper and later a partner in a bicycle shop.
A woman at the bar named Edna reveals that Hex's mother was taken as bait for Hex.
On descending the stairs into the space, built 30 feet underground, the first sight is of a female ticket taker, a cloth creation named Edna who sits in a glass booth.
If you ever look in the obituaries in the paper and see all those women named Edna and Mavis and Ethel, she's of that generation.
I say, "I don't know anybody named Edna, Mr. Fallon.
In 1919, he wed the former Edna Muriel Pickles, who died in 1921 during the birth of their daughter, also named Edna.
His investigations take him to a shady hotel run by Uncle Joe, where an attractive dancer named Edna performs a dance every night.