The third journey is a return wade back up that Pennsylvania stream where a little boy named Eddie caught his first fish using a cricket.
Here are little books full of big advice, each dedicated to the idea that you can learn an awful lot from a gruff old guy named Eddie.
Portia's love interest, if she can be said to have one, is a man named Eddie.
"I wish to interview a person named Eddie," he announced, as he bought a bottle of wine.
Other day he says, 'I smell a mouse named Eddie.'
The sufferer in the East seat on the diagramed deal was a touring professional named Eddie.
By the time David comes out, however, Keith is in a relationship with an emergency medical technician named Eddie.
It follows the life and death of a maintenance man named Eddie.
The book starts with an elderly man named Eddie who works as the head of maintenance at an amusement park called Ruby Pier.
Maybe you were a little ninth-grade nobody named Eddie.