She started suspecting that something weird was going on and became suspicious when she saw her husband talking to a person named Dominic.
He was approached by a man named Dominic who helped him out to prove that he didn't kill Channing.
They also have three grandchildren named Michelle, Vinnie, and Dominic.
He has a twin brother named Dominic, who is also an racewalker.
He has three sons named Dominic, Daniel and Richard.
Frankly, at the moment, I felt better being out in the open than in the back of a limo driven by a thug named Dominic.
One of Kimble's students is a boy named Dominic.
Michael also has a younger brother who is also a footballer named Dominic.
One such student is named Dominic who gets scolded for bringing stolen watches to school and putting his feet up on the desk.
He has his twin sons named Felix and Dominic.