A spoiled, teenage girl named Debbie is the center of the plot.
He began having an affair with another woman named Debbie.
About 12 people suffered minor injuries, though none were directly caused by the 15-year-old elephant, named Debbie, officials said.
In the first, a cow named Debbie tries to join the secret club, heretofore restricted to chickens.
The one named Debbie considers herself an expert on exercising and diet.
Bill Mack has a daughter named Debbie from a previous marriage.
She has a brother Melvin and a sister named Debbie.
On September 25, while still a tropical depression, the system was named Debbie.
A lady named Debbie answers the ad, and she brings her friend Brooke as a back up.
He married a woman whose life he had saved named Debbie, and the two of them produced a son, Mark Grayson.