An aspiring young actor named Damon wants professional pointers from the erstwhile star.
She also has a younger brother named Damon.
Damon is a novel, written by Charles Terry Cline, Jr., about a four year old boy named Damon who begins to rapidly develop sexually into the equivalent of a full grown man.
Socrates playfully suggest that Nicias is being influenced by a sophist named Damon and offers to respond to Nicias' assertion.
In the opening scenes, a man named Damon approaches a remote village with the intention of revitalising the land of the People of the Vale.
He has a son named Damon and a daughter named Alianna.
Teri's life includes an essential upper-middle-class byproduct: a boyfriend named Damon who has opted out.
He was found in Ancient Greece in the year 4 BC with a runner named Damon.
Tim recognized the dark man named Damon.
And it isn't Zo or a Jones named Damon or Eddie.