"It's like there's a stigma for having one of these kinds of dog," said Ms. Rodriguez, who owns an ailing 8-year-old pit bull named Cyrus.
The oldest child of Mr. Koresh, a blond-haired boy named Cyrus, is 7; the youngest, whose name is not known, is an infant.
There are a few whalers named Cyrus from the same era.
An 11th-century legend associated with him, considered "worthless", makes him an illegitimate son of a woman named Lucerna, who had a child with her father's slave, who was named Cyrus.
The first line of defense against coyotes is a llama named Cyrus.
Grampa has an older brother named Cyrus, who lives in Tahiti and has multiple native wives.
The team is led by a man named Cyrus, who grew up in Sunyshore City and hated the company of both people and Pokémon, preferring the company of machines.
On 15 May 2004 she married film producer Michael Mailer; in 2006, they had a son named Cyrus.
When the Inspector investigates, he finds no evidence of any person named Cyrus even in the market in Panchgani.
In this film the lead nemesis, played by Kevin Thompson, is an African-American character named Cyrus.