She was the sole daughter in the family and had two brothers named Patrice and Claude.
The two have another friend, a girl named Claude.
They had a daughter on 6 June 1916 named Claude.
Three of his brothers were also named Claude.
The next volunteer was likewise a stranger, a bulky young man named Claude, who paid three dollars for a chance to win thirty.
Eccleston played a character named Claude who has the power of invisibility, and helps Peter Petrelli with his powers.
He soon gets a lift from a woman named Claude (Lorys) who sports a prosthetic hand, hiding a gruesome deformity.
A man named Claude is driving a six-wheeled, insect-like vehicle over the desert surface of Perdide very fast.
In the original novel, the character of Piel was also named Claude, like his father.
It is about a young playwright named Claude who writes his own mother and father into his first play.