At 35, and eight months pregnant, she miscarried the baby girl she'd named Christina.
She has one child named Christina.
A third member for the group was also sourced named Christina.
You have a little girl named Christina, and you loved her mother very much.
Henry was married to Lord Surrey's sister at age seventeen, but he met an intriguing woman named Christina, who turned out to be a vampire.
Crawford has a younger sister named Christina.
While in Texas, he married an American woman named Christina, family members told The Associated Press.
Clark and his wife Shannon have a daughter named Christina, who was seen at the end of the live video for "War Inside My Head".
As is common practice in the piercing industry, it was named after the first recipient of the piercing, a woman named Christina.
One evening, Jennifer Nunez, a 15-year-old shelter resident, and a 13-year-old named Christina who lives around the corner shared a bench at the shelter.