Barely alive, Bane eventually finds a healer named Caleb, and extorts his help by threatening his daughter.
Indeed, Marcus told her that wherever he went he met that handsome young man with revengeful eyes, who she had said was named Caleb.
"Is it named Caleb?"
"Master, a young lord named Caleb wishes speech with you."
"Then I suppose that he is named Caleb."
"I don't know anybody named Caleb."
Buck has a younger brother named Caleb.
Malhotra and Joann had their first child in the summer of 2008, a boy named Caleb.
Instead he was a "chaos artist" and a trickster named Caleb.
The group they join is led by a fast-talking, charismatic white man named Marshall and his mysteriously silent black partner, Caleb.