For years, I shared my College Car with a close friend - an English setter named Bessie.
In 2001, a cow named Bessie gave birth to a cloned Asian gaur, an endangered species, but the calf died after two days.
But it was also loosely inspired by memories of aging, relatives in Florida named Bessie, Marvin and Ruth.
While at his lowest point economically and psychologically he had met and married a beautiful girl named Bessie.
A mechanical cow named Bessie welcomes visitors at the entrance with reminiscences of the boy "Billy Frank" practicing his oratory on tree stumps and cows.
Noah was the name of species of ox called gaur, cloned and gestated in the womb of a cow named Bessie.
The Old-Timer's girlfriend is named Bessie, and she usually refers to him as "O.T.".
The car, a Plymouth which Rose Rita named "Bessie", was originally green (though she ordered a maroon one).
He was carried and brought successfully to term by a surrogate mother from another more common species, in this case a domestic cow named Bessie.