Named Benjamin at birth, his shellshocked parents changed his name when they were finally able to bring him home three months later.
He died at age thirty-seven in 1710, leaving the property to his only son, also named Benjamin.
In the game, the player controls a youth named Benjamin in his quest to save the world.
Goldsberry gave birth to the couple's first child, a son named Benjamin, in May 2009.
The next day the brothers reappear with a young man named Benjamin, who is Joseph's almost identical little brother.
Their patron - father to most, clan leader to others - is a skinny, ebony-skinned man named Benjamin.
She also had a second son named Benjamin; she died during labor with him.
That was the information he had given to a code-cleared trainer named Benjamin, but now he wondered.
He named it Benjamin after his son who had been killed by lightning.
Upon Felix's death the plantation was inherited by his son, also named Benjamin.