He married his wife Sherry and they had a daughter named Barbara.
For instance, a woman named Barbara has cleaned for my family one morning a week for the last 25 years.
They married in 1944 in Brisbane and had one child, a daughter, named Barbara.
I spoke to a nice young lady named Barbara.
I've gotten dozens of phone calls over the last few weeks, including one just now from an eager fundraiser named Barbara.
To his uncle's disappointment, Peter eventually fell deeply in love with a young woman named Barbara and became engaged to her.
He's 44, married to a woman named Barbara and childless.
Finally, of course, I want to thank my entire family with a special emphasis on a woman named Barbara.
Um, she was with this girl named Barbara and they told, they looked older then what they were.
Tyler is married to a personal trainer named Barbara and both are currently living in Hollywood.