He has an ex-wife named Angie (Marisa Tomei) and two daughters, who have not been seen in the series.
Several additional encounters lead to additional deaths, including a girl named Angie (Patti D'Arbanville), whom Roy kills when she chooses Bo over him.
She made a friend named Angie from Los Angeles.
The rats kill several people, including one of the exterminators and the rest of the activists named Al and Angie, who tried to hunt the animals down themselves.
Sinatra is married to a former prostitute named Angie, with whom he has a son.
You name it and Angie's on tape.
They ended up staying awhile, and buying a goat named Angie who turned out to be a good milker.
He named the character Angie, possibly inspired by the Rolling Stones' song "Angie".
She also has a dog named Antionette Gandhi XIII, or Angie for short.
The film is about a girl named Angie (Annemarie Röttgering) who becomes involved in a life of crime.