They have a daughter named Anastasia born in 1963.
Theophano was originally named Anastasia, or more familiarly Anastaso and was the daughter of a poor tavern-keeper called Craterus.
Suddenly she was 20, with a blessed baby named Anastasia and little else.
They have no kids, but she has two nieces named Anastasia and Gabriella.
She finds a vodka bottle hidden in his knapsack and then discovers e-mail messages about the snap-off panties of a woman named Anastasia.
Santa Anastasia was built in the late 3rd century - early 4th century, possibly by a Roman woman named Anastasia.
He has a son named Aleksei and a daughter named Anastasia.
They have a daughter named Anastasia.
Megre claims to have met a mysterious young woman named Anastasia on the bank of the River Ob in 1994.
The Knight's current motorcycle is named Anastasia, after Dan Dare's spaceship, and has a stylized horse's head.