Besides fighting Jesse is a paramedic and has a wife named Amy.
In the spring of 2009, a college student named Amy received an instant message from someone claiming to know her.
We were assigned a "travel consultant" named Amy who sent cheerful and helpful e-mail messages.
A planner there named Amy added the report to a long list of similar reports, and sat thinking for a morning.
By the end of season seven, however, he marries a woman named Amy.
On October 11, 2000, Robinson married a woman named Amy.
One customer, a single mother named Amy, works for an agency that works with Richards.
In the installment, a little girl named Amy is kidnapped and imprisoned by a mentally unstable photographer.
He has a sister that is two years older than he is named Amy.
In the song, Spears seems to be looking for a woman named Amy in a club.