The next day, a young assassin named Alex got a text that told him his next target.
Spencer starts dating a boy named Alex who works at her country club.
An unfamiliar new boy named Alex points out that they have to save the town.
Small wonder, then, that his first marriage, to a high-spirited woman named Alex, soon collapses.
But they like an excellent waiter named Alex, and each night their party of five reserves a table for six in his station.
The story is about a man named Alex who has just moved into an old house at 3 Blood Street.
His father, also named Alex, was a Footscray player during the 1920s.
Flip is about a 14-year-old boy named Alex who one day wakes up in somebody else's bed.
In a recent interview, Billy named Alex as one of the best he has shared the ring with.
Dave has a beautiful daughter named Alex, who worked as a lap dancer.