In September of that year Anne gave birth to her first child, whom they named Abraham after her father.
Well, I have a young son, named Abraham after my late wife's father.
Every other boy baby is now named Abraham in your honor.
A number of Jewish translators named Abraham existed during the 12th century, and it is not always possible to identify the one in question.
He died in 1736, shortly before the birth of a son, also named Abraham.
Several of his descendants were also named Mordecai or Abraham.
They had one son, named Abraham in honor of his third son, who had been killed in the Revolution.
Judiasm, Christianity and Islam all claim there heritage back to a person named Abraham.
Another official document dated from 1737 then mentions his son, also named Abraham, as a master watchmaker.
Later today, Sergey and Nahum will visit a man named Abraham, who needs his windows caulked.