Brushing people out of his way, he rushed into the hut, then slowly went to the cot and picked up the naked infant.
Someone directly in front of him held a large naked infant.
One of the constables picked up the naked infant from where the girl had abandoned it, and he exclaimed immediately.
In hospitals, he said, the naked infant is usually put on a molded plastic board, his arms and legs tied down.
In one photo, a boy named Christopher is a naked infant not much larger than a bottle of baby powder.
Against her breast she clutched a perfectly formed, unblemished naked infant.
Women waited with naked infants to dip them into the waters of the well.
Inside, a naked female infant about several months old squirmed and waved her small, perfect hands in the air.
Laurie tried not to look at the tiny, naked infant splayed out on the table.
Some carried naked infants, slung papoose style, on their backs.