Oscar de Mejo's strengths as an illustrator are a sophisticated eye, eccentric wit and the hand of a naive painter.
Henri Rousseau and all the naive painters.
Mirko Virius (October 28, 1889 - 1943) was a Croatian naive painter.
Jan Bacur is a naive painter of Slovak origin.
He did so out of loneliness, he says, he evidently found enchantment as an extremely adept naive painter or Outsider artist.
In the palace, a grieving Peggy Guggenheim created a memorial to Pegeen, a naive painter.
It appears, at first glance, that Cunningham was a naive painter.
He could be a clunky and naive painter, truth be told, and for all his invention, in the end circumscribed.
Louis Vivin - French naive painter.
Michal Povolny is naive painter of Slovak origin.