Yes, the girl had been vaguely attractive, had a certain intelligence, and a naive charm, but that was all!
The naive charm of their scrambled-together pictures apparently is irresistible, especially to those naive about photography.
's paintings depend on a naive and kitschy charm.
They have an endearing, almost naive charm that doesn't obscure their essential sophistication.
The music is certainly well done, and the game successfully conveys the innocence and naive charm of adventure games made twenty years ago.
"When you look back, they really have a kind of a naive charm about them."
Or was it my naive charm and big blue eyes.
The music, though simpler than the Balanescu's usual fare, has a naive charm that survives repeated listening.
Even so," he concluded, "there is a sort of naive charm that makes it impossible to look away.
The workmanship was rather crude, but the face had a smiling, naive charm.