He slept badly and woke with a nagging headache.
I remembered the nagging headache I'd had shortly before her little show.
One unmistakable thing he notices throughout the first part of the book: he has a small, nagging headache.
Thinking of her shop only brought on a dull, nagging headache.
It felt good, and the nagging headache faded away slowly.
She shook her head, trying to dislodge a nagging headache.
She laughed a little and rubbed her fingers on the nagging headache between her brows.
I had a nagging headache, and vague memories of fitful, disturbed dreams.
Have nagging headache by the time we reach rest point known as First Cave.
Nonetheless, for several years now, the bad loans of the eight mortgage companies have been a nagging headache for the entire banking industry.